1-800-235-7500 [email protected]


This document covers mattresses and covers made from the following materials:

• Polyurethane
• Polycarbonate
• Lectrolite

Wipe down with one of the disinfectant cleaners listed below. Curbell’s mattress covers were tested with these cleaners, and none were found to cause fading or damage to the material. If your disinfectant is not listed below, please contact Curbell.

  • 3M®: Quat Disinfectant Cleaner

  • Advanced Sterilization Products: Cidex® 

  • Airkem: A456-N

  • Caltech®: Dispatch®

  • Clorox®: Healthcare Bleach Wipes*

  • Cosco: Tincture of Green Soap

  • Diversey: Oxivir® Tb

  • Dutch® Plus Safety Cleaner

  • Ecolab®: A-456-II Disinfectant Cleaner

  • Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol 70%

  • METREX: Cavi-Wipes™

  • METREX: Cavicide™

  • Misco Products Corp. (MPC): Hi-Con PF3

  • PDI®: Super Sani-Cloth® Plus

  • Spartan®: SD-20

  • Spartan: Hepacide Quat II

  • Sporicidin®: Sterilization Solution

  • Steris: Coverage Wipes Plus

  • Stryker®: Sidekick Disinfecting Wipes

  • Veridien: Viraguard® Wipes

  • VIROX®: Accel

  • VIROX: 256

  • Wayne®: Concept 256N Disinfectant



Proper cleaning and disinfecting will prolong the life of your mattress and protect your patients from exposure to bodily fluids, germs, and bacteria.

1. Inspect your mattresses for signs of damage like cuts, tears or cracks. If just the cover is damaged, it can often be replaced. If the mattress core has been compromised, you should replace the entire mattress.

2. Make sure that the surface where you are cleaning the mattress, like the bed frame or table, is first cleaned and disinfected. Either way, the bed frame should also be cleaned and disinfected whenever the mattress is cleaned.

3. When cleaning the mattress, all surfaces, including inside the zipper flap, should be thoroughly cleaned with mild soap and water and a soft cloth to remove dirt and foreign substances.

4. After cleaning, it’s important to wipe down the entire surface with a non-aggressive disinfectant. Note that not all mattress cover materials are compatible with all disinfectants, and using the wrong cleaner can reduce the useful life of the mattress.

5. Follow the instructions found on the disinfectant label to make sure it’s being used properly.

6. When using bottled disinfectants check if they are intended to be diluted before use. Using them at full strength can shorten the life of the mattress.

7. Apply the disinfectant to all surfaces and thoroughly wipe them down with a soft cloth.

8. The instructions for the disinfectant may mention the “dwell time” or “contact time”. This is the amount of time that a surface must remain wet to allow the chemical to be in contact with an organism in order to kill it. Make sure you let the disinfectant do its job before wiping it off. Don’t allow the disinfectant to pool on the surface longer than the suggested dwell time, and don’t allow the disinfectant to dry on the surface.

9. After the dwell time has been reached, thoroughly rinse the mattress with clean warm water, then allow it to air dry. You can tell if the surface has not been properly rinsed when you see a powdery residue left on the surface.

Contact us today for more information

Call us at 1-800-235-7500 or click the button below.