1-800-235-7500 [email protected]


Low Voltage Controllers enable users to safely operate the high-voltage lighting found in hospital and nursing home rooms with their pillow speaker or bed communication side rail. They’re tested and approved for use with all nurse call systems that use a switch with normally-open momentary dry contacts for auxiliaries.

Curbell offers various models depending on where they’re going to be mounted and what voltage they require:




  • True universal voltage (120 to 277 VAC)
  • Up to three loads
  • Dimmable


  • True universal voltage (120 to 277 VAC)
  • Up to two loads
  • Non-dimmable


  • True universal voltage (120 to 277 VAC)
  • Up to two loads
  • Non-dimmable


What type of wall dimmer switch is used with your LVC-2000?
The only switch that can be used with our LVC is a normally open dry contact that is wired in parallel with the pillow speaker or bed. The microprocessor sends a 0-10V signal to the driver. This signal tells the driver how to dim.
How do you wire multiple switches to one light?
The switched must be wired in parallel to the respective inputs on the low voltage side of the controller. All switches shall share a common and are to be wired to the brown terminal on the Low Voltage Switch Input side of the LVC.
How does a pillow switch with one light button dim up and down?
LVC-2000-004 Bi-Directional LVC:
The pillow speaker light button is a normally open dry contact. When the button is initially pressed then released the LVC will activate the respective load and set the dim output to 25%. The next sustained press will begin to dim the light up (max 100%), a release and second sustained press will begin to dim the light down (Min 13%).  Any release and additional sustained presses will continue to change dimming direction between 100 and 13%. A quick (or momentary) press and release turns the light off

LVC-2000-001 Dimming LVC:
The pillow speaker light button is a normally open dry contact. When the button is initially pressed then released the LVC will activate the respective load at 100%. A sustained press will begin to dim the light down to off in 13 half second steps. Any release will stop the dimming. The next sustained press and hold will continue the dimming towards off. Once off, the next press and release will turn the light back on at 100%.

Do you have a Low Voltage Controller that controls up to five lights?
We do not. In order to control five lights you will need to have two low voltage controllers.
Will your LVC work with all nurse call systems?
Yes. All modern nurse call systems.
Do you sell wall switches?
Yes, we have a complete line of membrane wall switch options. Click here for more information.
Can a healthcare bed dim a light?
Yes, as long as the light switch on the bed is a normally open dry contact and is wired in parallel with the associated pillow speaker or wall switch

Contact us today for more information

Call us at 1-800-235-7500 or click the button below.