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HAIs are among the top ten leading causes of death in the United States. The CDC estimates that one out of every 20 hospitalized patients will contract an HAI, significantly increasing the cost of patient care.

Since reusable ECG lead wires come into direct contact with a patient’s skin, and are frequently in close proximity to incisions and catheters on the chest and abdomen, they are a potential source of cross-contamination. Studies have demonstrated that reusable lead wires can be contaminated and are potential vectors for infection that increase the risk of HAIs. In a study conducted at the University of Wisconsin, 77% of ECG leads were contaminated with one or more antibiotic-resistant nosocomial pathogens.1

HAIs can have a significant impact on patient safety and on your hospital’s bottom-line. Utilizing Curbell’s OnePatient Disposable ECG Lead Wires is a simple way to help reduce complex cross-contamination issues and enhance patient care.


By using disposable lead wires, you eliminate cross-contamination between patients. This assists with Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Society of Healthcare Epidemiologists of America (SHEA) recommendations for the use of patient-dedicated equipment to reduce HAIs2, 3. Because Curbell’s OnePatient Disposable Lead Wires are so simple and affordable, they’re the ideal choice when you’re focusing on improving patient safety and care.


OnePatient Disposable Lead Wires are non-disruptive to clinical workflow.

  • They work just like the reusable lead wires, making the transition to disposable seamless with a simple design that nurses understand and trust
  • They save valuable time without the need to clean and disinfect between patients
  • Color-coded patient end connections enable quick lead placement
  • Secure patient end connections assist in preventing accidental disengagement


OnePatient Disposable Lead Wires reduce the infection and the hassle, connecting directly into existing cables:

  • Connect directly to Philips® IntelliVue®, GE® Multi-Link® and other leading monitor cables
  • Adaptors that can be misplaced or accidentally discarded are seldom needed


OnePatient Disposable Lead Wires can be used interchangeably with reusable lead wires:

  • Use disposables on all patients, or only on high-risk patients
  • Flexibility helps contain costs and environmental impact
  • Allows hospitals to choose the solution that works best for the facility and budget


One lead wire set can stay with the patient throughout their hospital stay.


OnePatient Disposable Lead Wires are fully shielded to reduce signal interference and meet the ECG cable and lead wire requirements of ANSI/AAMI industry standards.

1.Source: Jancin,B (2004).“Antibiotic-Resistant Pathogens Found on 77% of ECG Lead Wires” Cardiology News: Vol. 2
2. Source: Siegel, JD et al (2006). “Management of Multidrug-Resistant Organisms In Healthcare Settings, 2006”. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC); 1-74.)
3. Source: Muto, CA et al (2003). “SHEA Guideline for Preventing Nosocomial Transmission of Multidrug-Resistant Strains of Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus”. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology; Vol. 24, No. 5;362-386.)

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