“Patients reported that brighter lighting during daylight hours felt pleasant and healthy, and lower light levels at night (dimmer, but not dark) replaced anxiety with calm and engendered a feeling of security.” *
Numerous studies like the one quoted here have shown that a patient’s ability to control their room lighting enhances their stay. Now, hospitals can let their patients dim the lights through the use of Curbell’s low voltage controllers.
- Easily adds dimming capabilities to any patient room with fluorescent or LED lighting.
- Installs in the headwall, ceiling, or lighting fixture.
- Gives your patients control of up to three room features, including lights, heating/cooling, and even motorized shades, drapes, or doors.
* Lighting, sleep and circadian rhythm: An intervention study in the intensive care unit, Marie Engwall et al; Intensive and Critical Care Nursing (2015) 31, 325-335